Top 6 Reasons to Use a Scheduling CRM for Your Cleaning Business Today

Have you been dreaming about landing more cleaning clients, growing your maid business, and effectively managing your cleaning company online? Your dream can become a reality by using a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) scheduling software tailored specifically to the needs of your cleaning business.
At Maidily, we understand, firsthand, what it takes to run a successful cleaning company, which is why we have developed a robust CRM software system just for cleaning and maid service businesses that will meet and exceed your needs.
Investing in a CRM system will help your business grow and increase your customer base and revenue. Discover the top six benefits of investing in a scheduling software for your cleaning company today.
1. Increase Productivity and Save Time
From maintaining a schedule, to following-up on new bookings, to managing a cleaning team and doing jobs yourself, you are an extremely busy business owner. Wouldn’t it be nice to have a software in place that helps you save time, money, and energy while increasing your overall productivity? That’s exactly what a CRM system can do.
You can effectively manage every aspect of your cleaning business online and remotely by utilizing a scheduling software. Track your to-do list and never miss a beat by prioritizing and filtering tasks so you know what is coming up next.
2. Miss Fewer Cleaning Appointments

Long gone are the days where you have to write down your appointments in a physical calendar, erasing and adjusting multiple jobs with just a pen and paper. A CRM scheduling system manages your customer subscriptions for you and automatically tracks each job, including cancellations and rescheduled customers.
Manually managing your schedule leaves room for error, which may lead to missed appointments and loss of business. Having an online calendar with the ability to recreate jobs for you based on your customers’ needs means less hands-on work for you.
Do you have a bi-weekly cleaning appointment? Your calendar knows your customer’s subscription and can automatically add a recurring job every two weeks. This is a convenient way to stay organized when you have multiple cleaning jobs each day.
3. Get Paid the Right Amount On-Time
Rather than having to worry about your pricing for each product and service for each customer, a CRM system allows you to integrate your products and pricing online with easy-to-use forms that are customer-friendly. These ready-to-use booking forms integrate into your website for an easy and seamless checkout process for your customers, which leads to increased online conversions.
At Maidily, we know determining pricing for your cleaning services can be difficult. That’s why we have included a standardized pricing methodology into our CRM software. This allows you to stop worrying about what you are charging and focus on performing your services well, getting paid the right amount on-time from here on out.
4. Keep Records Easily Accessible
With a customizable CRM tailored to the cleaning industry, you will be able to track and manage all your business relationships in one place. View booking history, notes from your cleaning team, customer analytics, and invoice and payment information for each client in their unique profile.
By switching to a fully online record keeping experience, you will save yourself the time of having to sift through paperwork and be able to bring all your customer information with you on-the-go.
5. Effectively Manage Your Cleaning Team
Whether you are a cleaning team of one or have a team of maids working for you, a CRM system that is tailored to the cleaning industry allows you to effectively manage all your jobs online. Rather than calling and trying to reach service professionals when there is a change, simply assign maids to jobs online with just one click. Sending out job reminders and updates is just as easy. Have a client that is recurring business? Great! Save yourself time by scheduling an automatic appointment for hands off tracking.
6. Get More Business Leads and Land New Clients
With all this time, money, and energy you are saving by switching to an online, customizable cleaning company scheduling system, you will have the ability to get more leads and land new business.
Plus, a robust CRM software offers unique functions to help grow your business even more like customizable cleaning discounts to entice new and past clients. Drive your sales higher than ever by offering discounts, creating urgency with expiration dates, and turning discounts on and off whenever it works best for your business. You can even track which discounts resulted in increased sales to ensure you are getting the best bang for your buck.
Grow Your Cleaning Business Now With Maidily

If you are ready to boost your sales and grow your cleaning company, now is the time to switch to an online scheduling and managing system. At Maidily, we have multiple packages available, each tailored to your specific needs as a company.
Long gone are the days of manual scheduling, missed cleaning appointments, and lack of tracking. Grow your cleaning business now with Maidily. Get started for free today.