Set your structure and schedule to make paying employees easy and accurate
From Settings, click Payroll. Adjust any pay rates or types.Then click Reports, Payroll, [enter dates], Run Payroll
Set your structure and schedule to make paying employees easy and accurate
From Settings, click Payroll. Adjust any pay rates or types.Then click Reports, Payroll, [enter dates], Run Payroll
Building your team by adding users, including maids and office staff
From Settings, click Users.
Understanding how products work within Maidily will help you streamline your booking
Standard Products requited with a booking. Extras are additional charges like Cleaning Blinds, Windows, Laundry, etc.
Send out jobs and client reminder emails so no job is missed or overlooked.
From the Scheduling view, click Send Job Reminders to your team. Then click Send Customer Reminders
Assign jobs quickly so you can spend less time coordinating and scheduling
From the Scheduling view, click any job to assign a maid. Easily add a second or third maid to the job if need be!
Charging for your bookings has never been easier with Maidily
Select a booking and click Charge. If need be, change the payment method by editing the booking.
By setting goals, easily monitor and gauge your progress from the dashboard
Click the gear item in the top right hand corner, then scroll down and set your monthly goals