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Job & Customer Reminder Automation Set Up

Use our powerful automation tool to propel your cleaning business to the next level. Check out our video below!

1. Set up Job Charging Automation through Settings (Settings --> General) and have Jobs automatically charge and send email/text receipts to customers! Check out our Templates to see what these notifications look like!

Turn "On" Payment and Receipt Automation

Once the Status for a job is automatically set to "Paid" from the automation the job will recreate itself on the calendar, if it's a recurring cleaning.

2. Set up Customer Reminder Automation through Settings (Settings __> General) and have Customer Reminders automatically send via email/text.

Turn "On" Text and Email Reminder Automation

Customers will receive an email/text reminder On/Before (set the number of days On/Before the scheduled date for the job). Check out our Templates to see what these notifications look like!

Job Automation & Customer Reminder Automation Walkthrough